‘Beautiful Was The World’

Opening at 28 Old Burlington St

21st March - 24th March 2024

"Beautiful was the world" was my first solo exhibition of my work compromising of pieces that I started during the pandemic up to 2024. The title was inspired by a passage in the novel ‘Siddhartha’ by Herman Hesse in a moment when he’s reflecting on the idea that when one is so focused on a goal or destination you often miss the beauty in the journey and deny yourself the value of the lessons and paths that lead you to your desires. When the pandemic hit, I think a lot of us were able to take a step back and finally notice all of the little things that we so often took for granted and we were able to find beauty in moments or things we would have otherwise overlooked. A lot of these pieces are shining light on those moments, narrating/documenting a time that will be forever remembered and talked about in history but through the voice and perspectives of a race that have so often been ignored from past crucial historical events. As well as creating space to open up a dialogue on what, in hindsight could be readdressed now that we’ve been given a rare opportunity to begin again with an almost completely clean slate. With the gift of time to reflect and deprogram the vices and selfish behaviours that led us to this moment.

Virtual Tour - ‘Beautiful Was The World’